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January 5, 2017

FLEXIDRY in 3 video

Why depackage

Discover the advantages of separating packaging from the fermentable fraction of waste, for an optimal recovery into biogas, bio-fertilizers and even animal feed.
Take a look at this motion design video for a better understanding of FLEXIDRY and its market.

Shortly, this video will be translated.

A customer testimonial video

Luc Germanier, director of Ecorecyclage SA, a subsidiary of the Holdigaz group, explains why he wanted to integrate a depackaging line on his biogas site.
He chose FLEXIDRY to depackage biowaste originating from supermarkets. He explains the reasons of his choice.

A customer testimonial video

Serge Ninoreille, Manager of La Compostière de l’Aube (composting site), was one of the very first customers to believe in our FLEXIDRY solution for "clean" biowaste depackaging - ie resulting in an output organic matter that is virtually free of any packaging residues. Discover the reasons for his choice and how Green CREATIVE supported him in his project.